New Horizons In Violence (N.H.I.V.) were the world’s most blackly subversive mashed media terrortainment group during the War on Terror. Our complete film has finally been released – here’s the full story.

New Horizons In Violence (N.H.I.V.) were the world’s most blackly subversive mashed media terrortainment group during the War on Terror. Our complete film has finally been released – here’s the full story.
Why I got out the red pen to correct 997 Squishbooks.
SQUISHBOOK is a book for kids put together by the talented and lovely comic artists at Squishface Studio, and I’m thrilled to have been a contributing writer.
I’m so grateful to Screen Australia for supporting Alli Parker and I to write a draft of FLIP, a genre-smashing film about the role Australia played in the birth of competitive women’s skateboarding, a sport which, 20 years later, has become an Olympic highlight.
It was 20 years ago todayish… Craig Tonkin and I released a doco, The PhanDom Menace, about a Star Wars fan club around the time of the release of the first prequel, Episode I: The Phantom Menace. It ended up being distributed on DVD around the world, marking the first time I was paid for […]
After 228 years and even more drafts, may I present to you the show that will challenge everything you think you know about the First Fleet: BRUCE. BRUCE – The Full Series For more information on this incredible black comedy convict web series, starring Richard Davies, Dave Lawson, Angus Sampson, visit Or you could […]
Hello readers, or spambots or whoever’s looking this way. According to the logs, there still seem to be tens of thousands of you per month, so I apologise to any actual humans who have been checking back here on a regular basis in the hope of seeing some new content. Those of you who are […]
Well it has been a bloody long time since I’ve posted here. Sorry about that, old chums. So here’s an update about goings-on at The Empire. Since August, I’ve been working at The Project as a writer and web producer, which means running the content on their web site, as well as writing possible jokes […]
Greetings, browsers of the “Internet”, Well the most exciting news of our career thus far is finally out in the open, so here it is. Bruce is “under development” with the ABC. See here or here for UNDENIABLE PROOF! So we’re heads down with our little creative team to make the final case that this […]
Hello, a brief look just suggested to me that I haven’t written ANY news since February. To be honest, just posting up the jokes has become a mammoth task, especially with “7 Days in 7 Seconds” churning through the stories in a matter of seconds. (Much as I’ve enjoyed that segment on the show!) So […]